Saturday, 31 July 2010

Whispers From The Web....

Whispers From The Web will see me throwing a whole bunch of new-ish bands at you to listen to, adore, praise, worship or hate (depending on your taste, OF COURSE). ONWARDS!


I am always joyous to find a band I enjoy from le Midlands (nostalgic hometown glory coming into effect I feel...), and I have discovered one in Boat To Row, a folk group who know how to pluck heartstrings and manufacture such merry melodies. 'Night The Owl Slept' particularly shows off the breadth and width of talent in the young band.

Boat To Row's Myspace


Oh Brooklyn, go on then give me another bloody reason to move there. ARMS are a trio who churn out moody indie rock that swells and surges with splendid energy, via combined choral vocals, driving riffs and soft percussion. Think a low-key Local Natives with a bit more intensity.

ARMS' Myspace


I am a bit behind with Suckers, who have released a debut album, 'Wild Smile', after much online acclaim from the likes of MTV and Spinner. Suckers are a foursome who fuse angular jerky indie rock with funk and harmonic chants. They are supporting Yeasayer on tour in the UK in October so will soon be reachable in live form.

Suckers' Myspace

You can also download a free track, 'Easy Chairs', here at Stereogum


Moving to Canada now, we have another foursome in Braids. Braids make shoegazing music with less of a lo-fi edge and spend up to ten minutes on each track, noodling around with various instrumentation phases and fading. It's all rather daydreamy and highly enjoyable, gently pulsing and breaking at numerous junctions, like the ebb and flow of some wonderful musical tide.

Braids' Myspace

Yet another free track, 'Lemonade', from the wonder of Stereogum


Sticking in Canadian territory, Memory Screen are a band who make terrifically trippy music and seem to have an addiction to images of leaves and trees, if their Myspace images are anything to go by. Though, this does sound like the kind of music you could get good and lost in the woods to. Its etheral and beautiful and well worth a listen.

Memory Screen's Myspace


And finally, a bit of math pop. Tangled Hair are a balls-out math rock band who throw angular guitars, jerking percussion, gently yelping vocals and a dash of keys here and there. A free EP, 'First', is available for download below.

Download FOR FREE Tangled Hair - 'First'


I shall be keeping my eye on the blogosphere (as bloody always) and updating Whispers From The Web every few days (hopefully).


Monday, 26 July 2010

Back on the Beat

'Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends.' ~ Alphonse de Lamartine

Riiiiiiight, so a broken Macbook charger meant I have been dead to the net for a week (HORROR!) but I am back and charging through new music, old music and that music that lies inbetween....


Lo-fi R&B crooning and rumbling is pretty popular right now, particularly for a great number of solo bedroom musicians such as Toro Y Moi. How To Dress Well is Tom Krell, a New Yorker who has been rolling out EPs for a while now and managed to impress with each one.

Each track is a soothing, seething mass of reverb and ethereal vibrations, eminent in the standout 'Suicide Dream 2' and 'Ready For The World'. Vocals wail and squeal via computer distortion over steady, careful footsteps of synth, keys and percussion. It is soulful and wonderful and sinks into the self so easily.

How To Dress Well Interview and Streaming Songs at Village Voice


Maximum Balloon is a side-project of Dave Sitek, the TV On The Radio genius, where a whole host of electronic influence and fuzz takes hold, alongside hip-hip, R&B and indie rock. It's modern funk at its twinkling best and the album, expected sometime in August, includes guest appearances from Karen O, Theophilus London, Kyp Malone, Holly Miranda and David Byrne. I AM EXCITED!

Turn up your speakers/headphones/minds to full volume for the pulse and blip of 'Groove Me' featuring a timely bit of hip-hop via Little Dragon, and an occasional riff that feels like an Earth, Wind and Fire offcut.

Maximum Balloon's Myspace


And Last But Not Least....

Albums out over the next week or so that you should probably buy include;

  • 'Mines' by Menomena [Portland indie rock that screeches, wails, kicks, scratches and bites...]
  • 'To All Beloved Enemies' by The Shimmies [Relatively gentle garage rock that could soundtrack some 'dramatic' TV shows with ease]
  • 'Praise and Blame' by Tom Jones [the Welsh Maestro is back with gospel garble...JUST look at that]

More special shiz approaching from the West...and East..and North and South and inbetween..

Have fun!


Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Cover Me Slowly

With Cover Me Slowly, I will aim to bring you a unique/odd/alternate cover song from some new or old artist that gives you an aural double take on hearing it.


Keeping a bit of mystery about a band is both rare and fascinating in todays 24/7 GOSSIPGOSSIP culture. Wu Lyf, an Manchester based collective, are hiding their identities behind bandanas and a confusing concoction of songs. And Cymbals have so far only revealed a couple of tracks and the image over to the right with a hush-hush ethos on their identity. Nonetheless, they spit out of the musical barrel with both guns blazing.

Cymbals go about putting a suit on Pavements 'Kennel District', sharpening the edges with a blunt bit of yelping and a jagged guitar. Some handclaps sends the whole thing grinning upwards, taking it away from the beautiful despair in the original. Well worth a free download, as well as their own creation, 'Summer Job', which whizzes along via howling and hooting at math rock speed.

Listen to and Download both tracks from RCRDLBL.


Monday, 19 July 2010

A Deadbeat Summer...

'In summer, the song sings itself.' ~William Carlos Williams

Hola once again! Yet another month or so of shuffling, moving, job searching, homelessness, kerfuffle (and losing my password to access my blogspot) and I am finally back to attempt to blog every other day or so on music and all that such a wondrously vast topic entails.

I will be attempting to bring a few ongoing sections (such as Cover Me Slowly) into constant
renewal on here as well as this weekly update on what to send spiralling down your earholes!


Seeing as I have had a penchant over the last few posts for some sort of gnarly, lo-fi-esque band, why not kick off again with one more for good measure...

Oh and they are based out of bloomin' Brooklyn (OFF TOPIC I visited recently and MUST live there; on with the music!).

Coasting are two females, Fiona and Madison, with the ability to send their sound hurtling down a grinder of sorts, resulting in the strained sophistication that stumbles out in the likes of the deliberate drubbing titled 'Don't Fight'. But don't, not for one second, think they don't know how to thrash something bone rattling out via a heady drumbeat and a growling grumble of a guitar. Just smack the self-titled 'Coasting' all the way up and feel your fillings fall out.

'Kids' is a standout piece of blurred singalong rock that gets off with its own percussive power. I pray they make it to London around the time I get there.


I recently had the pleasure of reviewing a record for Middleboop by a man from LA, named Will Wiesenfeld but using the name of Baths for the musical miscellany he musters. Every song on 'Cerulean', the blue-ish title of the album, sounds like a hazy, misty memory not quite recallable yet always on the tip of the proverbial tongue.

'Maximalist' kickpushes its way through a field of samples whilst the strained vocals and beat of 'Lovely Bloodflow' pulsates with a blood-like resonance. The percussion on the record acts as a honed heartbeat, tapping and ricocheting its way amidst an emotional sea of lyrics on love and sound effects recalling birdsong and shoreline rumblings.

The full album review can be found right HERE at Middleboop so go check it out for a little more info on this suprisingly loud chillout album by Baths.


Folk music is always tricky to get right, with modern attempts treading the fine line between modern technology and production and the archaic, elemental factor in the original folk stylings of the early 20th century. So, it is lovely to hear it done right once in a while.

Dear Winesburg are a foursome who use a host of lush instrumentation (including a wondrous chunk of harmonica) on their debut, self-titled album. Frontman Chris Kreinczes' vocals seep out through a time machine, at times rasping like a young Tom Waits and then suddenly lighting up in full story-telling mode, as if preaching to a full campfire circle. Lyrically, the stories at hand weave and duck through wit and litany, seen wonderfully in the tale told within 'Under The Eaves'.
Violins kick in sporadically to great effect, throwing a Civil War atmosphere into the intoxicating mixture of archaic, melancholy folk music peddled by Dear Winesburg. Well worth a listen and I am deeply regretting my inability to reach their EP release gig, and hope to make it along to another opportunity asap.


Last Minute Reinforcements....

  • Fol Chen sound like Dirty Projectors with a roomful of instruments, a heap of something illegal and intoxicating and a supercomputer...their second album 'The New December' is simply sublime...
  • Janelle Monae is all over most blogs and reviewers' radar after the release of her debut 'The Archandroid'. One more can't hurt. It is AMAZING. Go Get It....
  • I love Jenny Lewis. Literally LOVE. But her boyfriend, Jonathan Rice is also bloody talented and they are releasing an album together titled 'I'm Having Fun Now'...DAMN HIM!
Albums out over the next week or so that you should probably buy include;
  • 'Archive 2003-2006' by Department Of Eagles [Melodically low key indie pop with a hint of the avant garde and a spot of dreaming drama...]
  • 'Turning Lead Into Gold With The High Confessions' by The High Confessions [Loud, spindly and long with plenty of drums, fuzz and backlash]

Keep live and kicking for a bunch of different features and sections and whatnots!

Buh Bye!