Saturday, 28 August 2010

Cover Me Slowly

Yet another Cover Me Slowly, defying the implied lack of haste in the title, but when good music pops up, it has to be reported TO THE WORLD! (Or to the three people that may, possibly read this once I publish a novel and mention the Blog I run within the inlay blurb...)


This time, for your listening pleasure and courtesy of a University chum who goes by the name of Scott (HEY, check out his website, I have a whole bloody album full of covers for you from an established LA duo going by the name of The Bird and the Bee.

They have toured with Lily Allen, performed on the Tonight Show and Jimmy Kimmel in the US of A and had their creations broadcast on the likes of Greys Anatomy and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. So, not exactly slouches but still a relatively unknown entity on these British shores.

With their third album, they bring a whole record full of slinky little indietronic versions of Halls & Oates numbers. Yup, the 1980s pop duet containing one of musics greatest moustaches. They turn classic wedding anthems such as 'Maneater' into modern synth seduction, echoing a cheesy, pop-tastic version of The xx.

Top of the pile, personally, is their version of 'I Can't Go For That', viewable here. (Primarily because that song ALWAYS reminds me of THIS)

The Bird and the Bee's Myspace



Thursday, 26 August 2010

Cover Me Slowly

London planning and lazy days and the lack of imagination and inspiration to be found in the ol' hometown have left me starved for words and writing this past month. BUT never look back, never surrender and blah blah blah, so let's jump this engine and see what's ticking on the internetz....


Cool Runnings are an eight piece from Knoxville, Tennessee who gyrate their way through several different stylings throughout their awesomely titled tracks. 'Burnout' drums along, sinister and heady, whilst 'Babes Forever' gets glitchy and angular and 'When I Got High With You' sounds as stoned and sleepy as implied.

However, this is all about the fabled art of the COVER! And here Cool Runnings take on 'Road To Nowhere', the Talking Heads' choral uttering on the lack of direction in life. Perfect for a band without one specific musical direction so far (which works well as far as the smorgasbord of sound emitted shows).

Cool Runnings throw some tribal drums on the song, whinny out the vocals and bring out the nihilism of the whole thing, dashing bits of archaic synth and communal singing into the mix. A delightfully offtrack take on the 1985 Byrne creation.

Oh and free to download RIGHT HERE!

Publish Post
Check out their own offerings at Cool Runnings' Myspace

Sunday, 1 August 2010


GOBBLE GOBBLE are insane. Possibly actually literally. They appear to be Canadian and are touring all over North America this year. They make music that is strained through a psychedelic blender at high speed, warping and twisting everything until it makes no sense and sounds FANTASMIC! 'Wrinklecarver' is such perfect psych pop, it synths itself into a sexy little black hole of freakout. And their devastating destruction of Pixies' 'Where Is My Mind?' (self described as blasphemy) is wondrous and evokes the spirit of losing ones mind after a healthy dose of hallucinogenic drugs. I would love to see these guys go all out live but will either have to adventure to America (which I am happy to do if someone GIVES me money) or await a British tour....